

Where we drop all dogma and discover your unique blueprint for optimal nourishment 

We make small shifts leading to big changes, going right to your core, so you can live your most nourished life sourced from within.

How we relate to the nourishment of ourselves, body, energy and food (the internal) shows everything about how we relate to life, others, work, time, money etc. (the external).

We can't truly prosper in any other area, until we attend to our own nourishment first. Just like a tree that is nourished naturally produces fruit, our natural state when we are nourished from within… is overflow.

It all starts with the foundational tools and practices I teach in this course. This is the core where our entire life flows from.

NourishingYOU initiates a deeper listening and relentless honouring of self, on which to build the life of your dreams with these short, deep and rich lessons that you can immediately integrate into your life.

We can't stand for others, until we truly stand for ourselves


Helping you exit the 'have to's and 'shoulds', NourishingYOU reconnects you with your own power, so that in any given moment you can tap in and not only know what choice would be in your highest.. but back yourself and follow through on it.

These are the foundational concepts of coming home to self, moving life from YOUR heart, learning to listen to the whispers of your desires within and then ACT on them, no matter the external circumstances, opinions etc. 


This is not another course that teaches you how to eat, live, meditate, build a business or anything else. Underneath the stories and programming, beyond what we are taught is 'good' and 'right' in how we 'should' be living to be healthy, nourished and thriving… lives a wise, clear, and intuitive inner knowing. Name it your gut, intuition, soul, higher self... she is YOU.


Most of us live a life that is subconsciously run by the rules of the outer world, disconnected from our bodies and being. In habits of people pleasing, attending to the external world of families, careers, social media, all the 'shoulds' and demands of modern day life… we are ignoring (or even forgetting) our actual inner needs.

The interesting thing though, is that at the core of it all, the foundation on which our external life is build... is how we relate and attend to our physical, mental, emotional and energetic wellbeing aka our nourishment.


If we don't stand for & prioritise our own nourishment.. we try to build skyscrapers on a foundation of chopsticks, which means that at some point: things will snap.


Whether you are just getting started on this deeper journey into self or you have been in the worlds of personal growth and spirituality for years.. any woman I've come across in the last 10+ years of being in this work, no matter how successful or embodied, has been served with the foundations and practices taught in this course, containing 10 video modules and an in-depth 'Intuitive Eating' ebook.


You can come back time and time again to NourishingYOU as you have lifetime access, which when integrated into your life will be part of your ongoing journey. These are all practices I live by. Simple, practical, tangible, yet so deep that they shift your entire being and life, because they go straight to the core, the essence from which you live.

The journey we go on…

Mattering & Worth

Your belief in how much you matter and are deserving of being fully nourished is the first key. This is NOT a 'standard' self love/worth teaching.

Burn the rulebook

We can't get to our most inner desires as long as we are clouded in living by the rules of others. Time to clear the deck, revealing a white canvas for your soul to paint on.


The most simple, yet oh so insightful exercise on what drains & fuels you with fresh, permission bearing perspectives of prioritising YOU.

White space

My biggest key! A super clear/practical practice towards peace, presence, energy, space and nourishment.

'Check & Act'

A practice I created that healed years of emotional eating, serves me daily in my decision making and has brought me home to myself in the simplest way.


Our body isn't only a miracle, it is a living library, our greatest tool and our vehicle in this lifetime. We get to restore the relationship with our body in deep ways.


We often hear 'what we eat, we become' and that is true. What's also true.. is HOW we eat & WHY we eat, we become. Our relationship with food says a whole lot about our relationship to life. (added bonus: ebook on intuitive eating & deepening relationship with our body)

Belief, Grace & Thriving

Building belief in yourself, new stories, confidence, habit building, processes of awareness & change.. There's a LOT to close off with, making sure you feel held and empowered in your integration process.


10 video lessons (3 hours of content) + in-depth ebook

The VIP Upgrade

Our most precious resource is our time. And I like to make coaching accessible, without sacrificing depth.

So I'm here to offer you a VIP 1-1 experience that is intimate, while fitting in your full and lively life ánd that is ridiculously affordable. Say what!?

Yes. This is where you can ask support as and when you need to in the moment, receiving coaching that meets you right where you're at.



You hit a day of struggle, send a voicenote and receive coaching right away to support you and get back on track.

Or, you know you need to have a difficult conversation and don't know how to handle it, so you send a voicenote requesting support, we ping back and forth until you feel ready, calm, strong and equipped to handle it.

👉🏻 Ok, I want this! 👈🏻

NYOU course +

8wk Voxer channel

With the VIP Upgrade you receive 8 weeks of ‘coaching in your pocket’ style support via a private Voxer channel.

Yes, you are reading it right, you get me on speed dial!


See it as little intermezzos alongside your journey of NourishingYOU to accelerate your results and help navigate sticky moments or rough spots as and when they show up in your actual life.



During the 8 weeks you can send voice memos into our private Voxer channel at any day, any time, on things that you would like support with.

This can be relating to the NYOU course material or anything that is showing up in life around: business, health, emotional/mental healing, mindset work, habits, motherhood… you name it!

I will then reply and we might ping back and forth until you feel like you've received the support you needed.

Replies will be during working hours Mon-Fri 9.30am-5pm CET. Always within 24hrs (unless the weekend), but usually quicker.

GO vip:

👉🏻 Full NourishingYOU course

👉🏻 8wks 1-1 coaching via Voxer channel

4 spaces available. Cart closes Fri 20th Oct.



This link takes you straight to the VIP checkout👇🏻



Lisanne Nicolien

I live and stand for transformation. Growth. Evolving into our greatest becoming. I have always had this urge to live life to the fullest, in all areas.

I've spend over 2 decades studying and working with the mind/body connection, female health and biology, fitness and pilates, nutrition, trauma and embodiment work, energetics, transformational coaching, leadership and so. much. more.

To get here, where I teach women globally to live their truest, most nourished & thriving lives in their unique essence & full power.. I've also had to go through my own turbulent journey. It's been deep, wild, amazing and through it all.. I lead, innovate and live a life of ‘yes and more please!’ with inner & outer harmony front and centre.

I support women in building a life of health & wealth in all areas that honours the fullness of who they are. From wild woman to CEO, mother to sister, child, lover, friend and beyond.

This space is open for you to walk in, and find your exhale. A coming home to self.

Partnering in deeper reference and sacredness with your essence.

Stand a little taller, carry a little more pride, love yourself a little louder.

Allow yourself to follow the nudges, to know your inner knowing.