
A woman with a plan and a commitment is powerful beyond measure

When we employ both energetics & strategy, who we are meant to be can emerge from within and our visions can become our physical reality.




Amplify is where the fire meets the wind, the masculine & feminine become one, and bring forth change.

This is where we Simplify to Amplify, in who you are being + what you are doing, bringing your desires.. to Life.

With pre-work to dive deep & set the stage, a 90min 1-1 session, then 2 weeks of integration & implementation via voice/text support we’ll create massive momentum in your life.

This is about diving deep in a short time, to create maximum shifts & results.

Available in Dutch or English

The life that's truly on your heart…
is within grasp

You know that you can hold, be and are capable of SO much more than the life you're living right now.


That big life you desire, your version of ‘more and better’…. you wouldn’t catch the vision, if you weren’t the one that was meant to bring it to life. It came to you for a reason. God, Universe, Spirit, mama nature trusted YOU with this wish and desire for your life.


And in order to create that… we have to address our whole life from an all-round perspective:

The internal being AND external doing

The feminine energetics AND the masculine structure.


During Amplify, we get rid of all the unnecessary fluff, dial up the essentials and create the harmony that is unique and perfect for you, giving a clear path forward to the results you’re looking for in any area of life.


This is not about all the ‘doing’ or all the ‘being’.. it’s about BOTH. Honouring your natural rhythms of massive action and deep rest. Being in fierce pursuit of the life you desire, whilst prioritising your wellbeing and thriving.


Attuning your internal & external world, you will walk away from Amplify with new perspectives, insights, practices & strategies to tangibly create the results you desire. The best part? YOU are the main person leading this experience with me as your guide and facilitator.


You are incredibly powerful, I’m merely here to support you in removing the blocks, bring clarity, perspective, ask the right questions and support you in dialling up your own magic. You’ll be amazed by how much can change in such short, focused time togther.

Amplify is for the woman who…


is ready for her ‘more and better’: increasing her results, without adding more to her schedule.


desires a deep, yet short container to finetune & accelerate the energetics, emotions, practices & strategies that are needed to go to her next level and then leads herself beyond the session.


is longing to simplify and create more space, so that what she puts her energy to is amplified, accelerating her results in not just 1, but all areas of life.


feels there’s more of her true self and potential longing to be expressed into the world, she wants not just to play bigger, but BE bigger and more free, in all her uniqueness and power.


Is done with all the questioning…
where to start? Where is the actual block, the kink? Where could I be working smarter, not harder? Why does it feel there has to be an easier, simpler, more efficient way, but I can’t seem to figure it out? Why am I not accessing my full power and potential?
No more overthinking, it's time to MOVE.


Has a fire and passion building up within herself, that's eager to unleash into the world and she wants to be efficient in how she uses her power to create maximum impact.

what You receive:

Deep dive pre-work journaling/questionnaire


90 minutes 1-1 coaching,
healing & strategy session
(you receive the recording afterwards)


2 week integration & implementation support via voicenote/text


Available in Dutch / english



Lisanne Nicolien

I live and stand for transformation. Growth. Evolving into our greatest becoming. I have always had this urge to live life to the fullest, in all areas.

I've spend over 2 decades studying and working with the mind/body connection, female health and biology, fitness and pilates, nutrition, trauma and embodiment work, energetics, transformational coaching, leadership and so. much. more.

To get here, where I teach women globally to live their truest, most nourished & thriving lives in their unique essence & full power.. I've also had to go through my own turbulent journey. It's been deep, wild, amazing and through it all.. I lead, innovate and live a life of ‘yes and more please!’ with inner & outer harmony front and centre.

I support women in building a life of health & wealth in all areas that honours the fullness of who they are. From wild woman to CEO, mother to sister, child, lover, friend and beyond.

What isn't yet... has to become more important than what currently is.